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My Book, Talk @ Google, + Podcast Appearances
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'So People Say You're an Asshole: A Book for You, People Who Love You, and People Who Work with You' is on Amazon here.
Read the preview on Amazon to get a sense of my voice and if it'll be helpful for you.

To hear more informally my thoughts around assholes and about my book, listen to this 'Reads and Weeds' podcast episode I was interviewed on.
My book was secured as a prop for the CBS TV show Tommy, starring Edie Falco, in 2019.
Tommy premiered February 6, 2020 and was canceled after one season. My book appeared in the original trailer in the scene pictured here, from the pilot. They recast the character of the mayor after shooting this scene, rewrote the script some because of it, and did not end up using my book. Still! It was so fun. I enjoyed the glimpse into the world of props and filming of TV shows! (and... Edie Falco held my book!) :)
My Talk @ Google about defensive communication came out not long before the pandemic. This will be helpful to watch if you are interested in conflict - especially if it's happening in your relationship.
I opened about more of my life's journey on the podcast Dreams ARE Real in the episode entitled"A Life's Journey Learning How Not to Be an Asshole" - you can listen on Apple, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRADIO, TuneIn, etc.

On a More Personal Note
2022 Personal Roadtrip

I took a road trip around the US with my delightful Catahoula leopard dog sidekick Hazel, from June-August of 2022. I'd wanted to take this trip for four years-ish, just hadn't yet because the time wasn't right.

It was both more than what I expected, and not what I expected at all.

My intention was to disconnect from the usual aspects of life and business, sink into some summer solo time, do some deeper pondering. I hoped to randomly meet strangers and have meaningful conversations, to get a sense of how they are doing. I did this; I spent a lot of time deeply listening to those whose paths I crossed, really - and will share more about this at some point... I couldn't do those conversations justice in a quick blurb on my website.
I also thought I'd start a podcast; it turned out to not be the time though.  This still is in the plans! :)

The unexpected was I really had no idea how much I needed this - time away, time to myself. I spent a lot of time thinking, walking and sitting in nature, and having those random conversations. It was healing oxygen for my soul.. I had no idea I needed this. Plus, I reconnected with some dear friends along the journey, too.

My partner joined me for the last few weeks of the trip. We worked a bit, relaxed, hiked, and survived our first bout of COVID (awful!!) together.

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I volunteer co-leading the state of Michigan along with David Joseph (Southfield) and Teresa Getman (South Haven), for the US-based political nonprofit, Braver Angels. 
The mission of Braver Angels is essentially to help interested and engaged US citizens more effectively communicate across political lines, so disagreements happen productively, reltaionships are built and meaningful changes occurs. 
To directly support our Braver Angels efforts in Michigan, give a one-time donation 
$12/year is the [minimum] donation to become a supporting member.

"When the student is ready, the teacher appears."


note: this quote is often credited to Lao Tzu, however it did not originate with him.

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© 2023 Optimizing Relationships Sarah Brabbs

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